
Feminine Energy in Leadership

As business coaches, we are privileged to work with powerful leaders that are men and women.In honour of Women’s Day, we’d like to take a moment to reflect on two powerful women who have coached with RainTree, and the feminine leadership characteristics that have made them so successful. (Individual names have been changed to protect […]

Business Coaching

The Fear Model

A little while ago I wrote an article about fear.  In the article, I mentioned the FEAR model.  Some of my most valued advisors read that article and asked if I would share a little more about the FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) model so they can better understand it and use it in their […]

New Manager coaching

Youth Month

Right in the thick of COVID-19, RainTree ran our Empowered Leaders group coaching journey with a Waste management business. The owner of the business had realised that his management team had some young leaders who he wanted to see step into their power to be more effective. He had two key reasons for this need. […]

What does your courage look like?

Dear Raintree family, We have embraced something a little scary and we’re ready to talk about it! In a powerful coaching session we had recently, we explored the importance of Courage with our client.Courage is a subject with many stereotypes associated to it. The question we worked through was “am I courageous”? What we explored […]

Welcome to Raintree

If you’re reading this post then you have found our website’s temporary home. We’re in the process of growing a beautiful new website, and like most good things, it takes a little time from when you prepare the soil and plant the seeds until you see that first beautiful blossom, which becomes the sweet and […]