
Coaching conversation on “How to Master Social Intelligence: The Key to Effective Leadership. “

In our article on Social Intelligence, we discussed the power social intelligence has to support leaders to master leadership.  Angela Heeley (Director of RainTree Business Coaching) and Kevin Britz (Leadership by Design) took the conversation further. Through a personal conversation on Social Intelligence, they explored how it was learnt and how it has impacted their businesses and those of their clients.

“Unlocking Middle Manager Potential: The Key to Organisational Success”

As an Executive Coach, I have noticed themes that present themselves across my Executive clients. Imposter syndrome, self-confidence, worth, conflict, building trust and senior management politics are a few I have encountered over the last couple of years. This week, Leoni and I were discussing the most recent theme. It came up as it is a challenge that businesses face that is close to our hearts and one, we feel incredibly passionate about. The theme I am referring to is that of middle manager competence.

Coaching conversation on “How to Harness the Power of Emotional Intelligence”

In our article on how to harness the power of EI, we discussed the power of EI to impact a leader’s journey at all levels.  Leoni Coetzee (Director of RainTree Business Coaching) and Kevin Britz (Leadership by Design) took the conversation further. Through an authentic and honest coaching conversation, they explored EI and its role in supporting them on their leadership and coaching journeys.

“Mastering Social Intelligence: The Key to Effective Leadership “

In January, we introduced social intelligence as one of the intelligences that support leadership in the modern world.  We defined social intelligence as the capacity to understand and navigate social networks, including understanding and interpreting social cues, norms, and dynamics. RainTree’s latest article talks about: ” Mastering Social Intelligence: The Key to Effective Leadership “

” Harnessing the Power of Emotional Intelligence: A Blueprint for Exceptional Leadership “

As leaders, it is imperative that we have self-awareness. When we are aware and recognise our own emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and triggers, we have the capacity to manage our emotions. Although self-awareness is respected in the modern working world, for generations, emotional suppression was respected and admired. . RainTree’s latest article talks about: Harnessing the Power of Emotional Intelligence: A Blueprint for Exceptional Leadership “

“The Leader’s Toolkit: Harnessing the Power of 7 Leadership Intelligences for Success in the New Year”

As we begin another exciting year, many of us will take the opportunity to consider where we plan to grow and develop in the next 12 months. I was recently introduced to the leadership intelligences as the areas (over and above traditional intellectual intelligence) each leader needs to strengthen to lead with conviction and confidence. RainTree’s latest article talks about: “The Leader’s Toolkit: Harnessing the Power of 7 Leadership Intelligences for Success in the New Year”